Collective dismissal and IT sector | top #5 potential procedural errors


1. The collective dismissal in the IT sector continues in 2024... The collective dismissal in the IT sector continues in 2024. Although perhaps at a lower intensity (according to the…

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Employment agreement in 2024 (work from home | office)


According to the Labor Relations Law, in 2024, there is the possibility of concluding an Employment Contract for remote work. This is a result of remote work being commonplace for…

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Change of company CEO in Macedonia


The change of CEO in a trading company is a procedure that is conducted before the Central Registry of the Republic of North Macedonia. This procedure is regulated by the…

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(Македонски) Право на годишен одмор


Sorry, this entry is only available in Македонски and Shqip.

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Начини на престанување на важноста на договорот за вработување


Договорот за вработување престанува да важи во повеќе ситуации. Законот за работни односи во таксативна форма предвидува неколку начини, кои ќе бидат изложени во продолжение. Договорот за вработување престанува да…

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Employment Agreement In Macedonia (procedure and employment rules)


When is an Employment Agreement Necessary? The most common question that appears is whether an employment contract is needed for a newly established trading company? Is it necessary to have…

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