
GDPR VS AI The Law on Personal Data Protection in our country was adopted on February 16, 2020. Through this law, harmonization was achieved with the EU's GDPR (General Data…

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Register a Company in Macedonia | Online in 2024


To register a company in Macedonia in 2024 is a simple and short procedure, but it brings several dilemmas that entrepreneurs must decide. The whole procedure can be done online…

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Collective dismissal and IT sector | top #5 potential procedural errors


1. The collective dismissal in the IT sector continues in 2024... The collective dismissal in the IT sector continues in 2024. Although perhaps at a lower intensity (according to the…

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Employment agreement in 2024 (work from home | office)


According to the Labor Relations Law, in 2024, there is the possibility of concluding an Employment Contract for remote work. This is a result of remote work being commonplace for…

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GDPR in Macedonia


With the enactment of the Law on Personal Data Protection, the Republic of North Macedonia introduced the same rules for the protection of personal data as those applicable in the…

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The importance of legal due diligence for companies in Macedonia


In the fast-paced world of business, making informed decisions is one of the key factors for success. One such process that aids in making well-informed decisions is the process of…

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Transfer of shares, equity through sale: Legal and contractual implications in Macedonia


The partner, the founder who owns shares in a company, can dispose of their shares according to the rules defined in the Company Founding Agreement and the Companies Act. This means…

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Law for financial support of investments


What is the law on financial support and what is its goal? The financial support law regulates the types, height, conditions, manner and procedure for granting financial support to investments…

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Open a company in Macedonia


REGULATION TO OPEN A COMPANY IN MACEDONIA? The opening of a company, i.e. registration, the establishment of a trading company, is a procedure regulated in the Law on Commercial Companies…

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Big Data во правниот систем


Знаеме дека сите индустрии се засегнати со користењето Big Data, а правниот систем не е исклучок. Big Data е име за огромно и комплицирано множество од податоци, чијашто големина ги…

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Паметни договори и blockchain технологијата


Паметните договори претставуваат уште еден новитет во правото. Главната карактеристика на овие паметни договори е всушност нивната само-спроведувачка природа. Тие им овозможуваат на договорните страни поголема ефикасност во составувањето на…

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Sibyl AI – машинско учење за прогноза на случај


Sibyl AI  претставува програма која со помош на машинско учење може да им помогне на адвокатите и адвокатските друштва да направат прогноза и проценка на случајот на странката и да…

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NOTARIZE – онлајн нотарски услуги


Што претставува NOTARIZE: Notarize е електронска нотарска платформа и софтверски сервис кој им дозволува на физичките и правните лица да го завршат целиот процес на нотаризирање преку интернетот. Таа е…

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Legal tech- trend which improves the market


Legal tech- trend which improves the market Definition Legal Tech refers to the application of technology and software to lawyers and law firms in order to help them in practice…

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Intersection between law and technology


Intersection Between Law and Technology If a business cannot reinvent in order to adapt to market changes, there is a big possibility that it will reduce the workload and be…

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Пресекот помеѓу правото и технологијата


Ако бизнисот не се реинвентира со цел да се приспособи на промените на пазарот, тогаш голема е веројатноста да го намали обемот на работа и да биде совладан од останатите…

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Legal tech – тренд кој покрива дупки на пазарот


Поим и дефиниција Legal Tech се однесува на аплицирање на технологија и софтвер кај адвокати и адвокатски друштва со цел да им помогнат во практикувањето на правото, менаџментот и управувањето,…

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