Open a company in N.Macedonia

open a company in North Macedonia

Open a company in N.Macedonia

Have you opened your company in N. Macedonia? Have you tried setting up a business in our country? Do you know that you can register a company in N.Macedonia with 0 (zero) payment in the initial capital in the first year?

In the past few years the procedures on registering a startup in N. Macedonia are simplified and online.
Organizations like Startup Macedonia are here to help if you need to grow your network or just register as a guest on the Startup Macedonia platform and surf the startup ecosystem yourself.

Which steps do you need to take?

The main task for the process of your company registration is locating an authorized agent of the Central Trade Registry (this includes attorneys at law or accountants).
The rest of the information that the authorized agent will ask you are the following:

1. What will be the name of your Company?
2.What is the address of the headquarters?
3.Who are the founders and equity split?
4.Who will be the CEO?
5.In which bank you would like your first bank account opened?
6.What is the official e-mail of the company?

Upon providing the necessary info, the documents are drafted by the agent and signed by the founders and the CEO.
The agent sents the documents online to the Central Register, and upon 1-2 days the company is registered in N.Macedonia.

The minimum initial capital for registering an LLC company in N.Macedonia is 5.000 eur. These are companies’ money and can be used to cover expenses. However, with the Company Law Amendments, the initial capital can be paid within 1 year from the registering. This means that you can open a company in N.Macedonia with 0 (zero) payment to initial capital.

(If you find our country interesting as a destination for your startup business, you can check the guide Launch in N.Macedonia).

Finishing the procedure on registering your startup

The registration process is pretty easy and done in a fast matter. Upon the registration of the company, the official stamps are retrieved and a process for the bank account is started.

With opening the bank account your startup is set and ready to do business.

If you opened your company, check the Residence Permit in N.Macedonia article.

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