Change adress of company in Macedonia


Changing the adress of company is a procedure that is being conducted in front of the Central Register of RSM. This procedure is governed by the Law on Commercial Societies. If a company decides to change the seat then several necessary acts should be prepared to be delivered to the Central Registry. The entire procedure is conducted exclusively in electronic form and through an authorized registration agent – lawyer.

Documents required:
In order to change its adress, the following acts should be passed by the Company:

  • Decision to change seat
  • Decision to amend the founding agreement (in the case of THE DOO)
  • Decision to amend the statement of establishment (in the case of DOOEL)
  • Purified text of the founding agreement (in the case of DOO)
  • Purified text of the founding statement (in the case of DOOEL)
  • Statement of Article 32 of the ZTD

Note: If the procedure for changing the seat before the RSM CR is conducted by a Lawyer, then appropriate full-time procedure sought to change the seat before the Central Registry.

Once the necessary documents are prepared, the same scanned and electronically signed with a digital certificate are submitted to the RSM CR.

Submission to RSM Central register

Submission through the Central Registry E-Registration System is made through the CRRSM page, i.e. on the following page .The system itself guides the applicant in the procedure, i.e. from attaching the necessary attachments to making the necessary changes.

After the last step is complete, the application goes to a responsible person in the Central Registry, who decides after it. If there are errors in the application, the person responsible electronically returns the subject of the correction and leaves a deadline of 5 days for the correction to be made.

Note: According to the tariff, the Central Registry charges an amount of 1,657.00 denari for the purpose of registering a change of seat. Once the necessary adjustments are made, the application is resubmitted to the person responsible for the decision.

In a positive decision to register the change after the submitted friend for the change of adress, the Central Registry issues a Decision on the registration of changes and a new current state of the Company with a changed seat address. With the release of these documents, the procedure for changing the seat ends.

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