Types of financing rounds for startups


Many companies must complete several fundraising rounds before the initial public offering (IPO) stage. These fundraising rounds allow investors to invest money into a growing company in exchange for equity\ownership.…

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Bankruptcy of companies, trading companies in Macedonia


Bankruptcy is a legal procedure for the liquidation or reorganization of a company facing insolvency (long-term debt inability). If a liquidation procedure is implemented, creditors settle their claims through the…

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(new) Type of Company – Company with Variable Capital introduced in Macedonia


The month of November held significant importance for Startup Macedonia in its efforts to improve the legal framework for startup companies. Summarizing several activities from the past 6 months, the…

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Foreign Direct Investments in Macedonia


Foreign Direct Investments (FDIs) represent a form of capital movement from one country to another, where in the capital exporter acquires a stake of over 10% in the ownership of…

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Purchase of Real Estate in Macedonia


In the real estate world, property purchases can be one of the most important and life-important solutions. Whether you are a seller or buyer, entering this process requires good preparation…

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GDPR in Macedonia


With the enactment of the Law on Personal Data Protection, the Republic of North Macedonia introduced the same rules for the protection of personal data as those applicable in the…

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Patent rights in North Macedonia


The patent is an exclusive legal right granted for invention. Invention is a product or process that provides a new way to do something or provides a new technical solution…

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The importance of legal due diligence for companies in Macedonia


In the fast-paced world of business, making informed decisions is one of the key factors for success. One such process that aids in making well-informed decisions is the process of…

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Transfer of shares, equity through sale: Legal and contractual implications in Macedonia


The partner, the founder who owns shares in a company, can dispose of their shares according to the rules defined in the Company Founding Agreement and the Companies Act. This means…

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Law for financial support of investments


What is the law on financial support and what is its goal? The financial support law regulates the types, height, conditions, manner and procedure for granting financial support to investments…

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Open a company in Macedonia


REGULATION TO OPEN A COMPANY IN MACEDONIA? The opening of a company, i.e. registration, the establishment of a trading company, is a procedure regulated in the Law on Commercial Companies…

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„Мојот прв инвеститор“ – информативна брошура за стартапи


„Мојот прв инвеститор - основни правни документи при инвестирање во стартап“ е кратка брошура која е наменета за сите млади стартап компании коишто првпат се среќаваат со бизнис-ангел инвестиција или…

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Патент на софтвер во Европа


Дали може да се патентира софтвер во Европските држави? Конвенцијата на големите европски патенти (European Patent Convention – EPC) претставува мултилатерален договор помеѓу европските држави, согласно кој се воспоставува автономен…

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Потенцијални пречки од ЗТД за инвестиции на Бизнис Ангели


Досега во Р.М. се направени неколку инвестиции на бизнис ангели во стартап компании. Инвестицијата на бизнис ангелите се реализира со тоа што тие обезбедуваат определен паричен износ кој го внесуваат…

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Заштита на личните податоци


Заштитата на личните податоци е регулирана со Законот за заштита на личните податоци како и со низа подзаконски акти, правилници, со кои детално се уредува оваа област. Во оваа позитивна…

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